7+ Signs A Woman Has Not Made Love For A Long Time


Are you curious about the signs a woman has not made love for a long time? If so, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog, we will explore seven compelling signs that could suggest a woman has not experienced intimacy in a long time. Many women go through extended periods of time without having sex. This could be due to a variety of reasons, such as a lack of available partners, a lack of desire, or a busy schedule.
Deleted: Regardless of the cause, it’s important to recognize the signs a woman has not made love for a long time. Whether you’re seeking insights or simply intrigued by this topic, join us as we delve into the intriguing world of love and intimacy.

7+ Signs A Woman Has Not Made Love For A Long Time

1. She Is Insecure

A woman who has not made love for a long time may be feeling insecure. She may be feeling anxious, scared, and overwhelmed. She may feel like she is not good enough and that she would not be able to “measure up” to the standards of a partner. She may be worried about her physical appearance, her performance, and her ability to please her partner. She may also feel ashamed or embarrassed about her lack of experience.

To help her feel more secure, it is important to talk about her feelings and to provide reassurance and support. Validation and reassurance that she is attractive and desirable can help her to feel more confident. It is also important to take it slow and to not expect too much from her. Give her space to explore and to experience things at her own pace. Encourage her to communicate her wants and needs and let her know that it is okay to make mistakes. Above all, let her know that you love and care about her, and that you are there to support her in any way you can.

2. She Is Uncomfortable With Intimacy

A woman who has not made love for a long time because she is uncomfortable with intimacy needs to be supported in order to create a safe and comfortable environment for her to explore her feelings and needs. It is important for her to be able to express her feelings and worries without feeling judged or embarrassed.

Added: If you wish to know more about the signs a woman has not made love for a long time, then here are some citations coming from noted sex psyche experts. They have been in this field for a considerable time, and understand the reasons for such negation, and delve deep into the same.

10 Signs A Woman Has Not Made Love For A Long Time

Counseling or therapy can be beneficial in helping her to understand the source of her discomfort and explore ways of addressing it. Additionally, talking to a trusted friend or partner can provide her with emotional support and perspective in order to help her work through her feelings.

It is also important for her to be patient with herself and recognize that it may take time for her to become comfortable with intimacy again. She should also focus on creating an atmosphere of safety and trust with her partner by setting boundaries, communicating her needs, and talking openly and honestly. Additionally, she should explore activities she can do with her partner that do not involve physical intimacy to build a connection and strengthen the relationship.

3. She Has Low Self-Esteem

If a woman has not made love for a long time due to low self-esteem, it is important to take a step back and reassess the situation. Low self-esteem can cause a person to feel unworthy of intimacy and love; consequently, they may not feel confident enough to engage in a physical relationship.

It is important to understand the root of the woman’s low self-esteem and to address it before any physical relationship can be explored. Working with a therapist or counselor can be helpful in understanding and overcoming the source of the woman’s low self-esteem. It can be beneficial to focus on developing a positive body image, understanding what self-love is, and learning to accept and value oneself. Additionally, focusing on building self-confidence and improving communication skills can be beneficial.

It is also essential to take the time to create a safe and comfortable environment to explore intimacy. This can involve making sure both parties feel secure and respected. It can also involve setting boundaries and discussing each other’s expectations so that both parties feel comfortable and respected.

Finally, it is important to remember that the journey to self-love and self-respect can take time. Being patient and taking things one step at a time is essential. The most important thing is to create a safe and comfortable environment where love and intimacy can be explored.

4. She Avoids Physical Contact

A woman who has not made love for a long time may be avoiding physical contact for various reasons. She may have experienced trauma in the past or may have a fear of intimacy. She may have gone through a period of grief or depression, making her feel disconnected from her body and making it difficult to open up to someone else. She may be dealing with a medical condition that affects her physical or emotional state.

Whatever the reason, it is important to take the time to understand her perspective and to find ways to create a safe and comfortable environment for her. It is important to remember that physical intimacy can be a scary experience, so it is important to be patient and understanding. It is also important to create a space where she can express her feelings and concerns without judgement. If she is willing to open up and talk about her feelings and experiences, it can be helpful to offer reassurance and understanding.

avoids physical contact

It is also important to acknowledge that it can take time for someone to feel comfortable with physical closeness again. Respect her boundaries and take it slow, giving her the space she needs to feel safe and secure. Be open and honest about your feelings and desires, and be patient with her as she works through her own feelings and begins to trust you.

5. She Is Not Interested In Relationships

The answer to this question will vary depending on the individual woman’s situation and personal preferences. For some women, not being interested in relationships has nothing to do with whether or not they have made love for a long time. Many women choose to remain celibate, regardless of their relationship status, for various reasons, such as personal beliefs or health reasons.

  • Lyndsey Harper, MD, states that – Some women think that they have low sexual desire and ruminate on what led them to this sudden loss of desire. But what happens in reality is that their sexual desire is more of the responsive type rather than the spontaneous format. Hence, a man needs to get his gestures correct to turn on the lady.

Other women may not have made love for a long time because they are not interested in relationships. This could be due to various factors, such as an unpleasant past experience or a desire to focus on personal goals or interests. In some cases, a woman may simply not be ready for a relationship and may need more time to process her emotions before being able to open up to someone else.

Ultimately, the reason a woman has not made love for a long time will depend on her individual circumstances and preferences.

6. She Has Trouble Communicating Her Feelings

It can be difficult for a woman to make love if she has trouble communicating her feelings. Many women struggle to express their desires and needs in a relationship, and this can make it hard to be intimate with a partner. This is especially true if the woman has not made love for a long time.

When a woman is uncomfortable expressing her feelings, she may hesitate to let her partner know what she wants or needs from an intimate relationship. She may also feel too ashamed or embarrassed to talk about sex and other intimate matters. This can make it difficult for her to fully enjoy the experience of making love and may lead to a sense of disconnection or dissatisfaction.

In order to make love for a long time and to fully enjoy the experience, it is important for a woman to be able to communicate her feelings. She should be able to talk openly with her partner about her desires, needs, and boundaries. If she is still having difficulty communicating her feelings, she may want to consider seeking professional help from a therapist. A therapist can help her to identify the sources of her difficulty communicating and work with her to develop more effective communication skills. With the help of a therapist, she can learn to express her needs and desires in a way that is comfortable for her, which can help her to make love for a long time.

7. She Has Difficulty Enjoying Sex

There are many reasons why a woman may have difficulty enjoying sex. Physical issues such as pain during intercourse or vaginal dryness, hormonal changes due to menopause or medication, and psychological issues such as anxiety or a lack of confidence can all contribute to reduced sexual pleasure. If a woman has not made love for a long time, these issues may be preventing her from enjoying sex.

The first step to resolving difficulties with sex is to talk to a doctor, as physical health issues should always be addressed first. If there are no physical problems, then it is important to explore the psychological and emotional issues that may be causing difficulty enjoying sex. This could involve talking to a therapist or simply thinking about how you feel about sex and what is preventing you from enjoying it.

10 Signs A Woman Has Not Made Love For A Long Time

It is also important to be mindful of the importance of communication and trust in a healthy sexual relationship. If a woman has not made love for a long time, it is important to take the time to build a strong connection with her partner and be honest and open about what she needs and desires in order to enjoy sex. This could involve talking through any anxieties she may have and exploring different types of touch and activities that bring pleasure.

Finally, it is important to remember that there is no right or wrong way to enjoy sex. Everyone is different; the key is to focus on what feels good for you.

8. She Is Uninterested In Sex

There are many reasons why a woman may not have made love for a long time, and being uninterested in sex is just one of them. Other possible explanations include physical or emotional issues such as health issues, relationship problems, or a lack of emotional connection. It is important to remember that everyone is different and there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to sex and intimacy.

If a woman is uninterested in sex, it is important to take the time to talk to her about her feelings and understand why she is feeling this way. It is also important to be respectful and nonjudgmental and not to pressure her into something she is not comfortable with. It is important to remember that physical intimacy is not the only form of connection and that there are other ways to connect with someone without having sex. Taking the time to explore different forms of physical and emotional connection can help to rekindle the spark between a couple.

9. She Lacks Desire or Interest in Intimacy

Intimacy can be an important part of a healthy relationship, and a lack of desire or interest in intimacy can cause distress for both partners. It is important to understand the underlying reasons if a woman has not made love for a long time because she lacks desire or interest in intimacy.

A lack of desire or interest in intimacy can be caused by a number of factors, such as: physical health issues, emotional stress, relationship issues, past trauma, cultural norms, or even a lack of understanding of intimacy. It is important to understand that a lack of desire or interest in intimacy can be a complex issue, and it is important to create a safe and supportive environment to explore the underlying reasons.

A woman who has not made love for a long time because of a lack of desire or interest in intimacy should be encouraged to explore the underlying causes. This may involve talking to a mental health professional, talking to her partner, or exploring her own feelings and beliefs around intimacy. It is important to remember that a lack of desire or interest in intimacy is not a sign of failure but rather a sign of a need to explore and understand the underlying reasons.

10. She Experiences Guilt or Shame Around Sex

Many women feel guilty or ashamed about engaging in sex, especially if they have not had sex for a long time or if they have had a sexual experience that has left them feeling uncomfortable. Women may feel guilty or ashamed because they are worried that they will be judged by their partners or society in general. They may also feel uncomfortable because they are unsure if they will enjoy the experience or if they will be able to perform to the expectations of their partner. In addition, some women may feel ashamed because they may feel ashamed for having sexual desires in the first place or because they are worried that engaging in sex will make them appear promiscuous.

Women who experience guilt or shame around sex can benefit from talking to a therapist to help them understand why they feel this way and how to cope with it. Additionally, seeking out resources to learn more about sex and sexuality can help alleviate feelings of shame, as it can help normalize the experience of having sexual desires and engaging in sexual activities. Finally, surrounding oneself with supportive friends and family members who understand and accept one’s sexual desires can also help alleviate guilt and shame.

How to Create Desire in a Women Who has not made Love for a long time

Here are some of the ways to create that sudden dash of desire in a woman who has not made love for a long time – 

1. Make her comfortable in your presence 

To begin with – is she comfortable being with you? Does she like your presence? Does she feel safe with you? Ask yourself these questions. 

A woman who has not had sex for a long time, to the extent of losing out on their sexual desires – needs to first feel comfortable in your presence. 

For the unversed, you can start by talking about neutral topics. Maybe pick up a classic film or book you’ve both watched or read to discuss. Or maybe tell her about some experience you’ve had some time back. In this way, continue with the discussion, asking her of her experiences or opinions on certain topics. 

Once you have got a little comfy with each other, then you can try to involve yourself in her daily life. Maybe helping out with the bills or the grocery. Go out for casual get-togethers, or meet up after a long day for coffee. Discuss things, and let her bring her insights to the table. 

As she starts getting comfortable with your existence in her life, she will little by little break out of her ‘self-created shield’ and indulge in the little joys of life with you. Once you notice these little changes, you can try to get a little more personal and then take things from there. 

2. Give her ample time 

For a woman who hasn’t had sex in all these years, to immediately jump into the bed is next to impossible. So, what’s the way out? Time is the key to success, in this case. Let us put it this way. 

A woman’s sexual desire is more of a responsive event than a spontaneous action. Hence, rather than the primal male physical cravings, one needs to play with a woman’s sensitivity. Therefore, invest time with her. 

Let her get to know you emotionally. Be there for her at a more sensitive level than physically. Try viewing things from her perspective. Whether it is a walk in the park or catching a movie of her choice, try looking at life from her perspective. Trust us, this gets you closer to her and acts as an immediate turn-on for her! 

3. Compliment her 

A compliment goes a long way! For starters, you have to understand that she has been sexually passive in all these years. Hence, she isn’t in touch with the true feminine side of herself. At times, it may so happen that she probably has just lost track of her own beauty. You need to make her get in touch with her feminine side. 

Compliment her. Tell her that she is as beautiful as she is. Do not go overboard, but assuredly, let her know that – she is worthy of being celebrated for who she is! These little triflings go a long way, and in no time, she will get turned on. 

4. Help her in her stressful jobs 

Have you ever heard of ‘choreplay?’ Every woman loves to have a helping hand. After all, as a woman, traditionally, they have had to manage the delicate balance between their personal and professional lives. When you pick up that mop to help her, stack up the dishes after she’s done them, and cook the dinner when she’s caught in some other work, her interest in you increases. 

As mentioned before, rather than physical intimacy, on more than a single occasion, a woman craves emotional satiation. As a man, your helping around the house only enhances your sex appeal, making her give in to your advances. It’s time you display your chivalry by taking out the trash before being asked! 

5. Work towards bettering yourself to please her 

At times, going old school truly works. If we are talking of old times, men had strong physiques, and that was a huge turn-on for women. So, if you are with someone who has lost her desire for sex or hasn’t gotten laid in a long time, then getting sweaty before her works like magic. 

If you are still lagging, it’s time to hit the gym or go for a quick cycling session! The fitter you are physically, the better you are in the bedroom. 

Here’s a tip: How about letting go of that shirt while you are busy mopping the floor? Trust us, gentlemen – a couple of hours later, you might just find yourself in the bedroom, all steamy! 

6. Get flirty 

Research says – a woman is more prone to get turned on between the ears than the legs! That implies you need to drop those cutesy texts right away. A sudden call amidst the busy workday, asking her when she would get back home. Maybe, a racy text, saying that ‘you can’t wait for her to get home’ or a direct hit – “can’t wait to get on to your naked body…” 

Trust us, there’s nothing more enjoyable for a woman who feels desired. When you send that shiver down her spine, assuredly, she will turn on, wanting more. 

7. Lead her onto the edge 

The last way to create that intense desire that you can try is – to lead to the main act. As a sexually passive woman, she would not be aroused much with nudity. She might find it gross if you try to get too close to her. So, what’s the way out? Lead her to the edge of her desires. Let her come, slowly and steadily.

Rather than going all over her with over-the-top ecstatic gestures, throw subtle hints. A casual touch, or suddenly pulling her towards yourself, or a simple dirty whisper can get the job done. Also, once you get her laid, concentrate on the foreplay. Take time, lengthen the process, build up the tension levels, and appreciate her. You will see for yourself how she gets excited like never before. 

Citations from sex researchers 

If you wish to know more about the signs a woman has not made love for a long time, then here are some citations coming from noted sex psyche experts. They have been in this field for a considerable time, and understand the reasons for such negation, and delve deep into the same. 

  1. Leah Carey, a sex and intimacy coach and host of the Good Girls Talk About Sex podcast, states that – Desire or intimacy works in women in a dual manner. While most women need to feel ‘emotionally cared for’ before turning on, some might just turn on in the face of ‘being found out.’ 
  2. Suzannah Weiss, a resident sexologist for Biird and certified sex educator, states that – Casual acts like stroking her hair or casually putting your arm around her can arouse her desires for you. Play cool, casual, and touchy, but not overtly. 
  3. Lyndsey Harper, MD, states that – Some women think that they have low sexual desire and ruminate on what led them to this sudden loss of desire. But what happens in reality is that their sexual desire is more of the responsive type rather than the spontaneous format. Hence, a man needs to get his gestures correct to turn on the lady. 
  4. Ian Kerner, Ph.D., reveals that – At times, it’s just the no-brainer acts that draw a woman! For those who wish to proceed to the next base, just dim the lights!! A woman, when seduced in dim lights, tends to give in easier because she is less conscious of herself. 

What do the organizations state about female sexual desire? 

Multiple organizations have worked consistently on this subject of female sexual desires and tried to understand the signs a woman has not made love for a long time. Here are some of the noted agencies and their credibility on paper –  

  1. RWA Psychology – This is a therapy website catering to the emotional needs of children, adolescents, adults, couples, and families. From sexual health to mental health, they deal with a host of issues and provide guidance accordingly. 
  2. Everyday Health – This medical website gives individuals an insight into multiple health aspects. Their editorial team consists of board-certified health professionals – who ensure that you remain updated about the latest medical happenings. 
  3. Healthline – One of the most credible health magazines available online, this portal has solutions to all your health issues! The contents of this website are approved by leading physicists globally and match the highest standards of medical integrity. 
  4. Mayo Clinic – One of the best US-based clinics, this has been providing the best medical services, along with education, for a significant period. Pick up any medical condition; this facility has the best doctors attending to your needs. 


Finally, if a woman hasn’t had sex in a while, she may become frustrated and anxious. This can lead to a decrease in self-confidence and an overall feeling of unhappiness. If you are concerned that a woman you know may not be getting enough sexual satisfaction, it’s important to talk to her about it.

Open and honest communication is key to helping her find the sexual satisfaction she needs. The above signs could remind people to practice self-love and take care of their physical and mental well-being. It could also be used to encourage people to be open to the idea of exploring new relationships or to emphasize the importance of communication and intimacy in relationships.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What are the signs that indicate a woman hasn’t had intimate relations for an extended period?

Answer: Some common signs include decreased vaginal lubrication, heightened sensitivity during touch, increased nervousness or anxiety about intimacy, emotional distancing, and reduced sexual confidence or assertiveness.

Q2.What do the organizations state about female sexual desire?

Answer: Yes, a prolonged absence of intimate relations can have physical consequences, such as reduced vaginal elasticity, potential pain during intercourse, and decreased pelvic floor muscle tone.

Q3: Are there emotional or psychological indicators of a woman’s prolonged abstinence from lovemaking?

Answer: Absolutely. Emotional signs may include increased frustration or irritability, feelings of isolation, lowered self-esteem, and possible challenges in forming intimate connections.

Q4: What potential reasons might lead a woman to avoid intimate relationships for an extended period?

Answer: Several factors could contribute, including past traumatic experiences, relationship difficulties, personal insecurities, hormonal imbalances, or even medical conditions affecting sexual desire.

Q5: Is a prolonged absence of lovemaking a cause for concern, and what can be done about it?

Answer: It depends on the individual and their specific circumstances. If a woman feels distressed or dissatisfied due to this issue, seeking open communication with a partner or consulting a healthcare professional or therapist can be helpful in addressing the concerns and finding potential solutions.